
Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Card 2011


Dear Friends and Family,  

As 2011 comes to a close we hope this letter finds you well and happy.  We wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas.  Our family has been up to our usual antics and we have added a few more just for fun.

 Jason was released after serving for 5 years as Bishop and we are all happy that he is home more. 

Allison turned 13, so we are officially parents of a Teen.  Her first insane independent act as a teen was to start using a straight iron to flatten her beautifully thick voluminous curls.  She is finishing up her last year in Middle School blinding us with all her A grades. She is in Jr. Honor Society as well as both Jazz and Concert Band.  She is still playing piano and trumpet and is very active in the Church Youth organization.  

Colin is 10 and hasn’t made anything but A’s on every math test for the past three years.  He is working very hard to make it into Elementary Honor Society next semester.  He is playing piano this is the first year he played tackle football.  He worked very hard and was able to be the starting Nose Guard/Tackle.   Colin is working to get all his Webelos activity badges before he bridges from Cubs to Boy Scouts. 

 Lauren is 6 and has amazed us all this year.  She is reading and writing far beyond her years.  This summer she completed reading all of the 46 “Magic Tree House” books and she hasn’t stopped.  She loves to make up journal entries and says she is going to be a writer when she grows up.  (Spoiler alert: they will me a mix of non–fiction and fictional tail of Rabbits)  She is still twirling away in dance and has started Piano this summer. 

Evelyn is an entertaining 2 year old.  She is talking non-stop.  She loves to play outside and discover new things.  I always know what she is doing because she is our narrator.  “I’m playing with Lauren’s dolls, I’m running round and round, Mommy.” And our personal favorite, “I’m crying, I’m sad and crying.” She is best at loving and supporting her big sisters and brother.

And me? Well I make it all work the best I can.  Since the baby is older I have increased my participation in SAC and PTA.  I have started volunteering at the Middle School as well as the Elementary School. 

We would love to hear from you and please stop in for a visit when you are out our way.  We hope your Christmas was full of love and wish you a very Happy New Year. 

Love,  The Doroughs,  Jason, Anna, Allison, Colin, Lauren, and Evelyn Rose 

Friday, November 25, 2011

Boys Of Fall

Colin, for quite a few years now, has begged to play tackle Football.  We live in Florida.  Some Geographers do not include Florida in the "Cultural South".  However when it comes to Football, Florida is well established in Dixie as hard hitting Fire-"Crackers." 

Some who know me, even those who know me well may find it interesting that I do like football.  I just do not like it as much as my husband.  I don't have anything against Football.  I just don't like watching it on television.  The crowd noise grates my nerves and the commentators annoy me to no end, not the game itself.  I have grown up here, I have many childhood friends who played football, I even cheered for Peewee ball.  I also went to every Football game in High school with the Band. (Yes it was mandatory for Guard but I would have still gone)  Our Family also has had season tickets for USF for years.  


However even  with, (or maybe because of)  all this exposure and history, the "Mommy" was hard to convince that it was time and that my "Baby" was big enough to play.

Colin worked hard to convince me of his dedication, maturity and responsibility.   He also worked hard to weigh 85# by the beginning of summer, and so I gave my consent.

Colin August 2010

I have to say, Colin is truly dedicated to all he does but I did wonder if he would hold his resolve through the first two weeks of Conditioning, otherwise known as Hell week. Yes, Football is serious business and they don't hold back on you just because you are 9. Colin was talking to a Missionary just before Christmas, who will return to BYU in time to play for the Fall season. This young man was astonished to hear the amount of work and practice these young boys put in. He completely understood why so many schools recruit from Florida.
 Colin fell in love the first day.  We signed him up with a local team, The Brandon Broncos.  They start practice the week after the Fourth of July Holiday and practice 5 days a week for 2 hours.  The brutal practice schedule continues with four day practices and games on Saturday till school starts and they cut back to three days a week.

It took some time for Colin to not pause before he would hit.  He played as back up for the Defensive line. Th team was smaller and the did not have enough players to have a backup for everyone.  A few of the more experienced Offensive players also played safety.   He was always ready early for practice.  He never complained.  In fact he had a pretty bad contusion on his upper arm and did not say a word.  I notice the bruise but didn't worry till I realized it  wasn't getting any better after a week.  His ankle was stepped on and he asked me to tape it up so he could go to practice the next day. " Coach said not to stop unless you need to sit out and I am not sitting out." 
8-27-11  Colin's 10th Birthday and he wouldn't
have spent it any other way

 A few Mother's were taking about different  sports and how rough some of the coaches are.  I told them I wanted Colin's coaches to be rough on him. Football and a few other sports are full contact, some of the things they are asked to do goes against human nature.  If my son flinches, pauses or turns his body to avoid getting hit, he will fail.  His face will be planted in the dirt every time making an opening or worse his actions, though with the intent of protection, ironically will cause serious injury.  

This is a short interview from Kenny Chesney's Boys of Fall DVD

Colin worked so hard and kept trying and getting back up.  He never stopped.  He didn't like the exercises especially the crawls but he never stopped.  Eventually he was holding the line.  Colin was then starting nose guard, putting pressure on the Quarterback.

I just love this story.  Who knew this about Joe?  Looking at  some of the sport stars, I tend to think they were always standouts, levels above anyone else around.

I was not a brave as I may have sounded.  I did not ever leave him during practice.  I would take him and stay till Jason got there and then would go home and relieve Allison from Babysitting.  Allison was great she really helped fill in those few hours a week.  I only missed one Game.  Game days were a family affair.  Papa and Grandma even came to one once the weather cooled down.  His sister's were so supportive.  Lauren and Evelyn were eager to go to all the games.  There were a couple of games where I had to sneak out of the house so Evelyn wouldn't know where I went because she would cry.  One day I was going to leave all the girls at home and just go myself.  Evelyn marched up to me with her Football shirt on declaring that she was ready to go. (and she did)

This picture cracks me up.  Colin was using the camera to practice his 'intimidating' look.  It would definitely give me pause, probably not for the same reason Colin was trying for, but it would have the same desired results.                                                                                                                                                                     

How bad did Colin want it?  I would have to say with all his heart.  He is loyal, dedicated and hard working.

He made us all proud and even inspired Allison to try out for her Middle School Soccer team this year.  Every time I hear this song now I just start tearing up.  It is almost as bad as that tearjerker of a Christmas song about the little boy buying shoes for his Momma.   

Here's to keeping our back straight and our tails up,
Raise your Gatorade to Colin, My Baby,
My Boy of Fall,
Anna - Christine

Saturday, August 27, 2011

2011 Summer Heaven a Photo Journal

Our summer was bookended by birthdays. 

 Evelyn ushered in our vacation with her second birthday. 
 We celebrated with a Memorial Day Family BBQ. 
"Can I go back in the pool after this picture please?"
The weather couldn't have been more perfect.  We had family and friends share the day with us.

As an award for all three students doing so well this year we bought Adventure Island passes for the family.  Have to admit I think Mama was pretty excited to get her YaYa's in the WaWa too. 

(insert photo)

In addition to the water park we went almost weekly to the beach. We even explored some Dog friendly locations.
We also Went to Tallahassee to see our Cousins.

A Little Bennett Love

All the Spicer Cousins

And they are DONE!
As summer went on and hair got blonder
 or Redder?
The Days became as miserable as only August in Florida can so we found indoor activities

 And swam daily

and the days got hotter as we approached the August birthdays.
First Allison's 13th at Chili's.  It was the day before her birthday and the last day she could order off the child's menu.
Then to close the summer out just before Labor day was Colin's 10th birthday.
  He had a Game that day.

And then it was back to School!!!!!!!!
and now it is time for Momma to take a nap!
Sweet Dreams,

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Making Memories

     When you grow up in Hillsborough County, you know the treasure March brings.  I have walked past them not daring to touch but watching the prices drop each week. (okay, I caved and bought a package a couple of times)  But I know it is time when after leaving the windows open all day I hear the Air pop on at about 3pm.  The Strawberries are ready!
     Allison was about 4 the last time I took any kids with me to go pick strawberries.  It was awful, she was tired, it was hot the berries were a little too ripe and she kept putting her fingers through them.  We left soon after and I bought 3 flats at a stand and went home. Well never say never, I tried it again.
     Wednesday, 3/9/11 was a half day of school so I picked up the little ones and signed Allison out early and we drove to Plant City.  This was still early enough that there were plenty of good berries with almost none rotten.   The weather was perfect: sunny with a slight breeze and low humidity.  I thought this was the best time to try again.
 The day was WONDERFUL!!!
     They loved it.  Allison has been taking Agriculture in school and was excited to see a large farm with all the equipment they have been learning about.  She has been picking strawberries at school too and showed Lauren how to not hurt the plant.  Colin took Evelyn under his wing and everyone was happy and working. 

Everyone was excited; it was so hard to get them together before they ran off.
Allison went right to work
The other three wanted to scout the field out for the best row. 
 I love this picture it makes me happy.

Evelyn quickly came back to my side and wanted to tell me all she had learned.

Then lunch started to wear off and they realized that they were surrounded by snacks, what is a little dirt?

First Lauren
then Evelyn

 Colin wouldn't try one even after picking the most beautiful berries I have every seen.  Allison at least didn't let me see.  I am sure the field is organic it just isn't certified yet. 

Why are your lips all pink? Strawberry lipstick!
This was one of the nicest afternoons we have had together.  Thank you Brother Lloyd for letting us glean in your fields today.  We took more than a days worth but will pay it forward with Jam.  Thank you Heavenly Father for this wonderful world and my four children to share it with. 

Strawberry Kisses,
Anna - Christine