
Saturday, August 27, 2011

2011 Summer Heaven a Photo Journal

Our summer was bookended by birthdays. 

 Evelyn ushered in our vacation with her second birthday. 
 We celebrated with a Memorial Day Family BBQ. 
"Can I go back in the pool after this picture please?"
The weather couldn't have been more perfect.  We had family and friends share the day with us.

As an award for all three students doing so well this year we bought Adventure Island passes for the family.  Have to admit I think Mama was pretty excited to get her YaYa's in the WaWa too. 

(insert photo)

In addition to the water park we went almost weekly to the beach. We even explored some Dog friendly locations.
We also Went to Tallahassee to see our Cousins.

A Little Bennett Love

All the Spicer Cousins

And they are DONE!
As summer went on and hair got blonder
 or Redder?
The Days became as miserable as only August in Florida can so we found indoor activities

 And swam daily

and the days got hotter as we approached the August birthdays.
First Allison's 13th at Chili's.  It was the day before her birthday and the last day she could order off the child's menu.
Then to close the summer out just before Labor day was Colin's 10th birthday.
  He had a Game that day.

And then it was back to School!!!!!!!!
and now it is time for Momma to take a nap!
Sweet Dreams,