Colin, for quite a few years now, has begged to play tackle Football. We live in Florida. Some Geographers do not include Florida in the "Cultural South". However when it comes to Football, Florida is well established in Dixie as hard hitting Fire-"Crackers."
Some who know me, even those who know me well may find it interesting that I do like football. I just do not like it as much as my husband. I don't have anything against Football. I just don't like watching it on television. The crowd noise grates my nerves and the commentators annoy me to no end, not the game itself. I have grown up here, I have many childhood friends who played football, I even cheered for Peewee ball. I also went to every Football game in High school with the Band. (Yes it was mandatory for Guard but I would have still gone) Our Family also has had season tickets for USF for years.
However even with, (or maybe because of) all this exposure and history, the "Mommy" was hard to convince that it was time and that my "Baby" was big enough to play.

Colin worked hard to convince me of his dedication, maturity and responsibility. He also worked hard to weigh 85# by the beginning of summer, and so I gave my consent.
I have to say, Colin is truly dedicated to all he does but I did wonder if he would hold his resolve through the first two weeks of Conditioning, otherwise known as Hell week. Yes, Football is serious business and they don't hold back on you just because you are 9. Colin was talking to a Missionary just before Christmas, who will return to BYU in time to play for the Fall season. This young man was astonished to hear the amount of work and practice these young boys put in. He completely understood why so many schools recruit from Florida.
Colin fell in love the first day. We signed him up with a local team, The Brandon Broncos. They start practice the week after the Fourth of July Holiday and practice 5 days a week for 2 hours. The brutal practice schedule continues with four day practices and games on Saturday till school starts and they cut back to three days a week.
It took some time for Colin to not pause before he would hit. He played as back up for the Defensive line. Th team was smaller and the did not have enough players to have a backup for everyone. A few of the more experienced Offensive players also played safety. He was always ready early for practice. He never complained. In fact he had a pretty bad contusion on his upper arm and did not say a word. I notice the bruise but didn't worry till I realized it wasn't getting any better after a week. His ankle was stepped on and he asked me to tape it up so he could go to practice the next day. " Coach said not to stop unless you need to sit out and I am not sitting out."
A few Mother's were taking about different sports and how rough some of the coaches are. I told them I wanted Colin's coaches to be rough on him. Football and a few other sports are full contact, some of the things they are asked to do goes against human nature. If my son flinches, pauses or turns his body to avoid getting hit, he will fail. His face will be planted in the dirt every time making an opening or worse his actions, though with the intent of protection, ironically will cause serious injury.
Colin worked so hard and kept trying and getting back up. He never stopped. He didn't like the exercises especially the crawls but he never stopped. Eventually he was holding the line. Colin was then starting nose guard, putting pressure on the Quarterback.
I just love this story. Who knew this about Joe? Looking at some of the sport stars, I tend to think they were always standouts, levels above anyone else around.
I was not a brave as I may have sounded. I did not ever leave him during practice. I would take him and stay till Jason got there and then would go home and relieve Allison from Babysitting. Allison was great she really helped fill in those few hours a week. I only missed one Game. Game days were a family affair. Papa and Grandma even came to one once the weather cooled down. His sister's were so supportive. Lauren and Evelyn were eager to go to all the games. There were a couple of games where I had to sneak out of the house so Evelyn wouldn't know where I went because she would cry. One day I was going to leave all the girls at home and just go myself. Evelyn marched up to me with her Football shirt on declaring that she was ready to go. (and she did)
picture cracks me up. Colin was using the camera to practice his
'intimidating' look. It would definitely give me pause, probably not for
the same reason Colin was trying for, but it would have the same desired results.
Some who know me, even those who know me well may find it interesting that I do like football. I just do not like it as much as my husband. I don't have anything against Football. I just don't like watching it on television. The crowd noise grates my nerves and the commentators annoy me to no end, not the game itself. I have grown up here, I have many childhood friends who played football, I even cheered for Peewee ball. I also went to every Football game in High school with the Band. (Yes it was mandatory for Guard but I would have still gone) Our Family also has had season tickets for USF for years.
However even with, (or maybe because of) all this exposure and history, the "Mommy" was hard to convince that it was time and that my "Baby" was big enough to play.
Colin worked hard to convince me of his dedication, maturity and responsibility. He also worked hard to weigh 85# by the beginning of summer, and so I gave my consent.
Colin August 2010 |
I have to say, Colin is truly dedicated to all he does but I did wonder if he would hold his resolve through the first two weeks of Conditioning, otherwise known as Hell week. Yes, Football is serious business and they don't hold back on you just because you are 9. Colin was talking to a Missionary just before Christmas, who will return to BYU in time to play for the Fall season. This young man was astonished to hear the amount of work and practice these young boys put in. He completely understood why so many schools recruit from Florida.
Colin fell in love the first day. We signed him up with a local team, The Brandon Broncos. They start practice the week after the Fourth of July Holiday and practice 5 days a week for 2 hours. The brutal practice schedule continues with four day practices and games on Saturday till school starts and they cut back to three days a week.
It took some time for Colin to not pause before he would hit. He played as back up for the Defensive line. Th team was smaller and the did not have enough players to have a backup for everyone. A few of the more experienced Offensive players also played safety. He was always ready early for practice. He never complained. In fact he had a pretty bad contusion on his upper arm and did not say a word. I notice the bruise but didn't worry till I realized it wasn't getting any better after a week. His ankle was stepped on and he asked me to tape it up so he could go to practice the next day. " Coach said not to stop unless you need to sit out and I am not sitting out."
8-27-11 Colin's 10th Birthday and he wouldn't have spent it any other way |
A few Mother's were taking about different sports and how rough some of the coaches are. I told them I wanted Colin's coaches to be rough on him. Football and a few other sports are full contact, some of the things they are asked to do goes against human nature. If my son flinches, pauses or turns his body to avoid getting hit, he will fail. His face will be planted in the dirt every time making an opening or worse his actions, though with the intent of protection, ironically will cause serious injury.
This is a short interview from Kenny Chesney's Boys of Fall DVD
Colin worked so hard and kept trying and getting back up. He never stopped. He didn't like the exercises especially the crawls but he never stopped. Eventually he was holding the line. Colin was then starting nose guard, putting pressure on the Quarterback.
I just love this story. Who knew this about Joe? Looking at some of the sport stars, I tend to think they were always standouts, levels above anyone else around.
I was not a brave as I may have sounded. I did not ever leave him during practice. I would take him and stay till Jason got there and then would go home and relieve Allison from Babysitting. Allison was great she really helped fill in those few hours a week. I only missed one Game. Game days were a family affair. Papa and Grandma even came to one once the weather cooled down. His sister's were so supportive. Lauren and Evelyn were eager to go to all the games. There were a couple of games where I had to sneak out of the house so Evelyn wouldn't know where I went because she would cry. One day I was going to leave all the girls at home and just go myself. Evelyn marched up to me with her Football shirt on declaring that she was ready to go. (and she did)
How bad did Colin want it? I would have to say with all his heart. He is loyal, dedicated and hard working.
He made us all proud and even inspired Allison to try out for her Middle School Soccer team this year. Every time I hear this song now I just start tearing up. It is almost as bad as that tearjerker of a Christmas song about the little boy buying shoes for his Momma.
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