I remember with Allison thinking the curve of her left jaw right below her ear was my special property. This was for Mommy to kiss
Colin's spot was his left cheek bone just next to his hair line.
I must have subconsciously forbade myself to repeat on some level and gradually moved north to stake my claim. Lauren's was her left temple.
Atlas Evelyn's spot is on her forehead just above her left eyebrow arch at her hair line. I laughed one day after kissing Evelyn on her forehead. I thought about how much hair my other babies had and how I couldn't have kissed them there so easily. I finally realized what had happened, I remember wrinkling my eyebrows and trying to think where I kissed the others. I even tried to kiss Evelyn there and it felt wrong. Not that I don't ever kiss Evelyn in her sisters' and brother's spots. I use the special spots to kiss while I hug them and try to physically give my heart to them. I couldn't switch areas and do the same thing.
Why was this so special to me? I can not express it in words. I wonder if my Grandbabies will have their own special 'kissies' or will they share their Mother's or Father's? Does this mean anything to them? I think so. Mother's Kisses are magic. When you pick up a baby the kiss doesn't heal instantly but the cuddling and soothing tones help. But very quickly they grow to learn to ask for 'loves'. Sometimes toddlers still need Mommy's soothing voice and hugs to make it through a rough scrape. But the little ones just stretch out a little finger or toe for doctoring kisses when stubbed. I have seen tears instantly dry after a smile and a kiss. Somewhere between 8-11 at least for girls the faith in the kiss wavers. I have notice with the onset of puberty hugs and kisses are needed often despite protest. Even Adults need kisses. I have kissed my own finger once and laughed at the memories and comfort I remembered. The support from that emotion is usually the only thing we need to keep going. Mother's kisses don't judge or scorn. They are pure love. Mother's kisses have power. They make storm clouds bearable, and rollercoasters laughable. No matter what, a person always desires a mother's kiss and no matter what, a person always deserves a mother's kiss.
Happy Mother's Day,
Love, Anna Christine